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Continuum II Quilting Frame

The top-tier professional quilting frame

The new professional configurable quilting frame

We've taken the bulky ratcheting system and updated it with a fine-tuned sleeker internal structure that's smaller, simpler than and just as strong as its predecessor. The bar height adjustments are also much simpler and more precise.

Configured to meet your needs

The Continuum II Frame can be configured in multiple set-ups and optional accessories, so it will be the perfect fit for you no matter what your quilting requires. Think you might upgrade your machine to a longarm in the future? The Continuum II frame can work with your short or midarm machine now, and then be adjusted for a longarm when you need it. Add the optional accessories now or later to make your quilting process more convenient.
  • 8 foot frame

  • 10 foot frame

  • With Batting Rail

  • With Idler Rail

  • No baste quilting rail & ratcheting system

    No baste quilting rail & ratcheting system

    The Continuum II Quilting Frame saves you valuable time by eliminating the ordeal of basting. All the quilt layers are attached to their own rails, and then come together and on to the take-up rail as you quilt. Grace frames use locking ratchet ends on the rails to give you precise control over the tension of your fabric layers and has quick-toggle locks for immediate adjustments as needed.
  • Adjustable Depth

    Adjustable Depth

    Adjust the depth of your work area to match your quilting frame. Get closer when working on short-arm quilting machine, or expand your space for larger patterns with a long-arm.
  • Height adjustable legs

    Height adjustable legs

    Height-adjustable legs let you work at the level that is most comfortable to you.

Perfectly paired with a Q'nique Machine

The Continuum Quilting Frame has been designed by the Grace Company to perfectly accommodate the Q'nique 21 X Elite and Q'nique 15+ quilting machines

  • Q'nique 21X Elite - Continuum II Package

    Starting at: $8,499

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