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Quilt Clips

Quilt Clips

Quick and Easy Fabric Tension and Control

Quilt Clips are the easiest and fastest way to control and adjust the layers of fabric on your quilting frame! They're also a great help when "floating" your quilt on the frame, making loading your fabric easier with less pinning!

Each package includes four Quilt Clips, each 24 inches long. Quilt Clips are purchased in either 1½ inch or 2 inch diameters, so you can get the set that will best fit your frame. See a frame compatibility list below to see which size you should get.


1 Set of Four

Quilt Clips Demo

Quilt Clips Features

Quilt Clips on quilting frame

Easy Fabric Adjustment

It’s simple to make quick adjustments, so your fabric will always be nice and straight. Just adjust your fabric as needed, and clip the Quilt Clips over the fabric to the rail!

Quilt Clips finishing a quilt

Finish The End Of Your Quilts Easier

Keep tension for quilting, even when you have to unpin the end of your quilt. Quilt Clips keep the tension at the end of the project without any cloth leaders.

Quilt Clips with fabric on rail

An Easy Way To Float Your Fabric Layers

Attaching fabric to your frame with Quit Clips is faster and easier with less pinning.

Plugs in. Sharpener doesn't use batteries

Works With Various Fabric Thicknesses

The Quilt Clips slide over your fabric and frame rail, keeping the quilt layers together. They expand to adjust to thickly rolled fabric.

Which Quilt Clip is right for your frame?

Most quilting frames come with either 2 inch or 1.5 inch diameter rails. Start–Right Quilt Clips can be purchased in either of these diameters too, so you can get the perfect fit for your frame.

Experience Easier Fabric Control

Get Your Quilt Clips Now. Buy Quilt Clips