Meet Our Brand Ambassador

Lizzy Allen
After long arm quilting for 20+ years I still am in love with the challenge that each individual quilt brings. I have been fortunate to have won many long arm quilting awards in free motion quilting. It amazes me with how much the industry has evolved with so many new and creative elements of long arm quilting, from the modern line designs to the more traditional Victorian feather.
I have had so many amazing opportunities to work throughout Australia and America at Quilt shows. This includes teaching, demonstrating and of course being a quilt angel.
I have had the pleasure of writing many articles for Jenny Haskins magazine Creative Expressions and quilting many of her quilts for publication. Teaching up and coming enthusiastic long arm quilters the digital side of quilting is always a delight.
My proudest moment was winning at the Victorian Showcase 2017 “Runner-up” Best of Show - my quilt “Cameo Rose”.
Also awarded:
* Mainly Appliqué Professional “First place”
* Judges Award - Wendy Blyth
* Matildas Own – “First place” Long Arm Machine Quilting
I believe not every quilt needs to be an award winning quilt - all quilts will give warmth, comfort and a little colour to our lives. It really doesn’t matter that its not perfect but rather that you may have learnt a new technique, tried something different - maybe even joined a quilting group and made new friends - this for me is the joy of quilting.
I am looking forward to meeting and establishing friendships with everyone who has the same passion in quilting.
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