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How to Quilt on the Cutie Frame

Have you ever wanted to try out quilting but decided not to because of the commitment to everything that goes with it? The Cutie Tabletop Fabric Frame allows you to quilt, sew, and stitch to your heart's content in a much easier way, managing your fabric for you so you can worry less and enjoy the process more. The Cutie Frame is a portable, easy-to-assemble quilting frame option. Sturdy enough to quilt on any countertop surface, any table, or even in your RV during travel! 


Assembling Your Cutie TableTop Frame

You can find a printable guide on how to assemble your Tabletop Cutie Frame HERE. This guide covers all things Cutie Frame, from setup to customization to starting your quilt. The most important thing to check for in assembling your Cutie Frame is that it can move from side to side, back and forth freely. That’s the free motion quilting feel that we want! 

Once your frame is assembled, check the height of your take-up pole (pictured below). We consider the perfect fit when you can ALMOST fit your hand laying flat underneath the pole. 



Next, your front pole will be slightly lower than the back poles, but the top of the front pole should be level with your rear poles, as demonstrated below. 



Your feed dogs should be in the ‘down’ position to ensure your machine can grab the fabric and feed it along as you quilt. 

Use an embroidery foot or a quilting foot for easy gliding as you quilt. 

Quilter tip: Karla recommends that you prepare by winding enough bobbins to get you through the quilt. 


Learn more about the Cutie Frame 


Loading Your Cutie TableTop Frame

Mark the center of your backing with a pin at the top and bottom of your fabric. Marking the center of your backing will help you perfectly align your batting. Match the center of the batting to the backing and secure the sides and center with pins. 

Next, let’s talk about leader cloths. This type of cloth is an extension of your fabric to make loading the quilt onto the frame easier. Allow the cloth to extend a few inches along the top and bottom of your fabric, and pin the leader cloth to your fabric from center to edges. This process allows you to quilt all the way to the edge of your quilt.   


To begin quilting, slide the leader through the arm of your machine, and adjust it so that the backing and batting sit underneath the quilting foot. Next, situate the starting edge of your quilt off the frame (as pictured below). This step ensures that the machine won’t hit the rails of your frame and disrupt your process as you quilt the opposite side. Then add your quilt clamps, ensure there are no wrinkles in your fabric, and baste your quilt. 


Shop for the Cutie Frame 


Quilter tip: you will be able to read the Grace Company logo right-side up if you have attached your clamps correctly. 


Next, roll your quilt as you would on a rolling frame and secure the rolled excess fabric with quilt clamps. You can choose to sit or stand as you quilt on your Cutie Tabletop frame. If your project requires that you use a foot pedal, Karla recommends quilting seated. 

All caught up? Great! Set your presser foot in the down position, press the needle up/needle down button a few times, and barely move your machine to the side to reveal your perfectly tucked thread tails! The next step is to tack down the edge of your quilt with some stitches if you prefer. Now you’re ready to quilt a design! 

We can’t wait to see the beautiful quilts you create on your Cutie frame!


Happy quilting!

The Grace Family

To watch the full tutorial on YouTube, click HERE.

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Posted by The Grace Company


For over 25 years the Grace Company has been the leading manufacturer of high quality quilting frames and quilting accessories. What truly sets The Grace Company apart from other competitors is its level of quality, value, and experience toward all their endeavours. From products to external and internal customer experience, the Grace Company responds to market and customer needs and continues to lead the quilting industry. Grace Company frames and hoops are designed to be easy to build and compatible with most major quilting machines. They'll have the quilting product you need.

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