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Bright & Merry Holiday Garland

Is your scrap pile getting larger than your laundry pile? Yes? We feel the same! In that case, Miranda has just the holiday project for you! This project is quick enough to be completed in one afternoon. Plus, you get to use those cute bits of extra fabric you can’t seem to part with, so grab your bag of scraps, and we’ll get started!


For this project, you’ll need to cut 216 3-inch by 12-inch strips. That might sound like a lot, but it goes by quickly once you get into the groove. TrueCut tools also help to shorten the cutting time and alleviate wrist pain. After you finish cutting, you will move to the sewing machine.

View Miranda'sTrueCut tools used for this project 

Miranda told us about her fabric selection: “I don’t sew as often as I’d like to, so I didn’t have a big scrap bin to choose from. Because of this, I purchased fabric for this project. But if you have scraps, use them!” 


Here, you will take two strips of varying colors and face the wrong sides together. Then you will sew a straight line down the center of the two fabrics. We will use a basting stitch or a wide stitch for this step. Here you can see the fabric sandwich we have created using that basting stitch. 

Miranda’s Stitching Tip: “Notice that I didn’t backstitch on the fabric; otherwise, we would be unable to gather the fabric and create the ruffle.” 



To create the ruffles, you will grab the top thread and gently pull while using your other hand to push the fabric in the opposite direction. This will create the gathered shape we are hoping for. Leave about a half-inch strip ungathered at both ends. Remember, we are starting with a 3-inch by 12-inch strip. After gathering the fabric, your strip should measure 6 inches in length.


After you have gathered all your strips, we will start sewing again. Don’t forget to switch your machine back to a shorter stitch length! The first thing we are going to sew is each gathered strip. Sew directly over your basted stitch to lock that ruffle in place.


Next, you will take two ruffles and sew them together by slightly overlapping the ends and sewing a straight line connecting them. Continue this process until all ruffles are connected.

And voila! You have a ruffle garland. 

Grab your Master Cutting Collection here

This is a great way to jazz up your old Christmas decorations using something we know you have a lot of –SCRAPS! Thank you for joining us for today’s tutorial. We can’t wait to see how your garlands turn out.

Watch Miranda’s full tutorial (and more) here!

Happy Holidays!

The Grace Family

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Posted by The Grace Company


For over 25 years the Grace Company has been the leading manufacturer of high quality quilting frames and quilting accessories. What truly sets The Grace Company apart from other competitors is its level of quality, value, and experience toward all their endeavours. From products to external and internal customer experience, the Grace Company responds to market and customer needs and continues to lead the quilting industry. Grace Company frames and hoops are designed to be easy to build and compatible with most major quilting machines. They'll have the quilting product you need.

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