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How to Load a Quilting Frame for Machine Quilting

Quilting frames come in two main types—rolling frames and hoop frames—and understanding their differences is key to choosing the right setup for your project.
Rolling frames manage fabric using a rolling pickup rail, allowing you to quilt larger projects in one continuous session. The size of the rolling frame determines the maximum quilt size you can work on. In contrast, hoop frames use quilt clips to manage fabric and let you finish quilts of any size, working zone by zone. However, they require reloading the quilt sandwich each time you finish quilting a zone, making them more tedious for larger projects. This guide will walk you through the steps to load both types of frames effectively.


How to Load a Rolling Frame

Step 1: Pin Backing to Top Leader

Step 1: Pin the Backing to the Top Leader Cloth

Start by securing the backing fabric to the top leader cloth of your quilting frame. Find the center of the backing fabric and the center of the leader and align them. Pin the fabric to the leader, working from the middle outward toward each side. This ensures the fabric is evenly distributed and prevents puckering.




Step 2: Pin Backing to Bottom Leader

Step 2: Pin the Backing to the Bottom Leader Cloth

Line up your backing fabric with the bottom leader. Then find the center of the backing fabric and pin the fabric to the bottom leader, again working from the middle outward to the sides. Check that the backing fabric lies flat and smooth.





Cloth leaders

What are top and bottom leaders?

Cloth leaders are reusable cloth pieces that let you use less backing fabric when you attach fabric to your frame. Grace Company’s cloth leaders come printed with precise guide marks and pin lines for easier frame loading. 




Step 3: Roll until bounce

Step 3: Roll Until There Is a Bounce

Roll the take up rail using the hand wheel (if you’re using a Quilter’s Evolution Elite-Frame) or by twisting the take up rail itself (if you’re using the Q-Zone Queen-Frame) to tighten the backing fabric until you feel a slight "bounce" when pressing on the fabric. Although some quilters recommend a quarter inch bounce, we recommend leaving a little more bounce in your fabric. This tension is critical to keep the layers stable and to avoid wrinkles while quilting.




Step 4: Lay out batting

Step 4: Position the Backing

Place your batting on top of the backing fabric. Start by aligning the top corners and then smooth the batting out, ensuring there are no lumps or folds. Once you have your batting in place, you’ll want to manage the excess hanging off the front of the frame. How you do this depends on the frame you’re using.

With a Quilter’s Evolution Elite-Frame, you’ll tuck the excess between the two rails on the front of the frame (the backing and quilt top rails) and then roll the backing on the batting rail.

With a Q-Zone Queen Frame, don’t worry about the excess batting until the next step.


Step 5: place quilt top on the frame

Step 5: Position the Quilt Top

Starting with the top corners, lay out your quilt top on the backing and batting. Once you’re happy with the placement (it should be centered in your backing and batting) you’ll have one more step depending on what frame you are using. With the Q-Zone Queen, you’ll now use quilt clips on the front rail of the frame to pull your entire quilt sandwich taut. If you’re quilting on the Quilter’s Evolution Elite-Frame, just leave your quilt top draped over the front of the frame.

Starting with the top corners, lay out your quilt top on the backing and batting. Once you’re happy with the placement (it should be centered in your backing and batting) secure your quilt sandwich on the backing rail using the clamps included with your frame.


TIP: If you want more consistent tension on your quilt sandwich, you can purchase additional quilt clips or bungee clamps to affix your quilt sandwich to the frame.

Step 6: Baste around the Quilt's top edge

Step 6: Baste Around the Quilt Top’s Edges

To secure all three layers, baste around the outer edges of your quilt top. Use a long stitch or hand basting to keep everything in place. This step ensures your quilt layers stay aligned as you quilt.






How to Load a Hoop Frame

Step 1: Assemble Quilt Sandwich

Step 1: Assemble the Quilt Sandwich

Layer your quilt backing, batting, and quilt top to create the quilt sandwich. Make sure all layers are smooth and aligned, with no wrinkles or puckering.





Step 2: Secure the Quilt Clips

Step 2: Secure the Top Left Corner with the Included Clamps

Lay your quilt top over your hoop-frame, so that the top left corner of your quilt meets up with the edge of your quiltable area. Secure the included quilt clamps around all sides of the frame, ensuring that the layers of your quilt sandwich are pulled taut.





Step 3: Manage excess fabric

Step 3: Roll and Secure Excess Fabric

Roll up the excess fabric on the top, sides, and bottom of the quilt. Use bungee clips or coils to hold the rolled fabric securely, keeping it out of your way as you quilt.





Learning to use a quilting frame might add a bump in the road of your quilting journey, but once you overcome it, your frame will become one of your greatest quilting assets. Don’t let quilt frame intimidation keep you from finishing a quilt any longer. Step up to the frame and get started. Hopefully these instructions will help give you some guidance, the practice and muscle memory that comes next is up to you. We have all the faith in the world that you’ll nail it, that you’ll make beautiful quilts, that you’ll take the next step on your quilting journey (and the next…and the next…).

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Posted by The Grace Company


For over 25 years the Grace Company has been the leading manufacturer of high quality quilting frames and quilting accessories. What truly sets The Grace Company apart from other competitors is its level of quality, value, and experience toward all their endeavours. From products to external and internal customer experience, the Grace Company responds to market and customer needs and continues to lead the quilting industry. Grace Company frames and hoops are designed to be easy to build and compatible with most major quilting machines. They'll have the quilting product you need.

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