Quilter Speak: 55 Acronyms and Lingo You Might Not Know image

Lingo, jargon, slang, all the quilters are using it these days (And we think it’s so fun). Quilters are a clever bunch with humor that packs a punch. So, inspired by some of the recent abbreviations we learned, we decided to create this glossary of quilter speak.    AOD - All Over Design Bias - The bias grain of the fabric, often referred...

Grace Company’s Quilting Foot Sets image

We’d like to put our best (hopping) foot forward and introduce you to the two different foot attachment sets we offer here at the Grace Company. These foot attachments are tremendously helpful when you want to add extra ‘oomph’ and depth to your quilting.  Q’nique Hopping Foot Set  Special Ruler Feet For the Q'nique Quil...

Grace Company Events image

Quilting events can be challenging to find. Here at the Grace Company, we decided to make quilting events and education more accessible to the quilting community with our free online events! There's sure to be something for everyone, from our weekly to monthly to annual events. Click to see all Grace events and connect to our events platform!  We created t...

Quilter's Guide to Giving Back image

Welcome to the Quilter’s guide to giving back and getting involved. There are so many ways to show support to those in need, and quilters everywhere are making a difference. You might remember Quilts of Valor from one of our past quilting festivals, and you might find an organization that you’ve never heard of before on this list! Either way, we hope you g...

Step-by-Step Piecework Tutorial: Kourtney & Maddie’s Quilted Butterfly Jacket image

Today’s tutorial comes from a workshop featured in our Quilter’s Summer Camp event! Follow along with Grace Company educators Kourtney and Maddie to create a piecework butterfly jacket. This jacket is a great project to try if you have a pile of scrap fabric lying around your quilting room.  Supplies Cutting Mat Ruler F...