Holiday Quilt Gifting Guide image

From a quilt’s pattern concept to its final stitching, making a quilt is an offering of love. Fellow quilt makers understand the hours of cutting, creativity, and troubleshooting that go into the creation of a quilt. We have a few ideas for the presentation of your quilt to make the gifting as special as the making. Follow along to hear Karla and Janessa’s quilter tips and tric...

How to Design a Monochromatic Quilt image

Why would you want to make a quilt in a monochromatic color scheme when you have a rainbow of colors to work with when you quilt? A monochromatic quilt is fabulous for that friend or family member that’s obsessed with a particular color. We also love monochromatic color palette quilts for decorating a room to tie together or enhance the existing color scheme in the interior design. T...

Home-Based Quilter, That’s You! image

The Home-Based Quilter by Grace Company began as an effort to dive deeper into the needs of quilters to provide valuable workshops, community forums, and product recommendations to enhance their quilting experience. It became a journey of discovering our audience and how their quilting reflects love in every stitch. “We aren’t perfect, we were never meant to be, and we never...